Learn. Share. Grow.

Why Perry Child Care?
At Perry Preschool & Child Care, we believe in creating an educational learning environment that allows each child to work at their natural pace and developmental level, promoting learning through play and fun.
We understand that every single child is the entire world to someone, and it is only through a close partnership and collaboration between teachers and parents that support a child in all areas of development.
Our Curriculum
We want all the children enrolled in our care to experience a loving, nurturing, educational learning environment that enhances each individual child’s needs and abilities.
Perry Preschool & Child Care provides developmentally-appropriate learning opportunities to encourage your child to be confident, successful, life-long learners. The early years are critical to your child’s positive growth and development and they are eager to learn new skills, experience challenging opportunities, and be encouraged for their strengths and talents.
Positions at Perry Preschool & Child Care are offered throughout the year as they become available.
Our Location
Convenient Location! Schedule your tour today!